Sunday, May 18, 2014

Religious Matters

Religious Matters


As Amy and I proceed to work through the many documents involved in the process of becoming adoptive parents, many questions of values arise. Among those are questions about religion, which lead me to finally write down some of my thoughts on the subject. My hope is that doing so will clarify my beliefs for the benefit of prospective birth parents and for myself. Pardon me if I go overboard on this, my first blog entry, as I fully expect to do.
I was raised mostly in the United Church of Christ (different churches in Vienna, Austria, North Dakota and Michigan), and attended Hope College, whose mission I didn't realize until I wrote this sentence is:
Hope graduates are educated to think about life’s most important issues with clarity, wisdom, and a deep understanding of the foundational commitments of the historic Christian faith. They are agents of Hope who live faithfully into their vocations.
When I chose Hope it was out of convenience because I lived in Holland, MI at the time and already had credits there from taking classes during high school, but I consider myself very fortunate to have attended a college that would lead me to become so aware of my own beliefs, which was not really something I was thinking about in selecting a college. But I think it has had a big part in leading me to write some of the religious and philosophical thoughts that have evolved in my mind over the past 3 decades.
Other large influences include my parents, especially my mother and her mother who have exposed me to the philosopher (and priest) Pierre Teilhard de Chardin whose writings I have not investigated too deeply, but make a lot of sense to me to the extent I have read them. And the book and movie Life of Pi has been a more recent sort of trigger to get me thinking about this subject again, and is a good reference point to share with anyone else who is familiar with the story.
Let me elaborate on how the story of Life of Pi affected me before I really begin. And before I do that, I must warn you that if you haven't read it, you may encounter spoilers for that book, The Sixth Sense, and Planet of the Apes here, so beware if you intend to read or watch any of these in the future. The first time I read the book, loaned from a friend as reading material for the bus, I thought it was an interesting story with a great twist ending. I love a story whose whole meaning can be transformed in a moment by a new revelation at the end, like you see in The Sixth Sense and Planet of the Apes. A few years later, the movie Life of Pi came out in theaters so I decided to watch that too. At the end of the movie I was astonished that there turned out to be not one, but two twists. I had to verify with a friend who still owned the book that in fact the one line that transformed the movie a second time for me was in fact something in the book I had missed. "And so it goes with God," made me re-assess the whole story as an allegory for religion. I hadn't realized how significant it was that the protagonist had spent so much time comparing religions when I read the book. I'm not sure why everyone isn't in awe of this story, so maybe by including information about how this story transforms my perspective it can shed some light on why I find this story so significant.

Approaching Religion

If only we could personally go back to the origins of religious beliefs and find out the elements on which they are truly founded, we could better know the truth about the countless claims people make on behalf of those who founded their religion. The problems are, not only do we have multiple religions claiming to have exclusive access to the truth, most of which one is expected to take on faith, but also within each religion this truth has not remained as constant and consistent as I think many people assume. How many people realize that there are 3 versions the ten commandments? And with conflicts like that sitting in plain view, how many more exist that have remained hidden? Religions claiming to be a beacon of truth have an unfortunate history of suppressing evidence or ideas that conflict with the faith. So how can anyone have faith in a religion whose leaders throughout its history exhibit a pattern of trying to alter the truth? A reliance purely on faith over a span of millennia encounters serious problems when the supposedly unadulterated truth has such a long and broken history. This is not to discredit any religion as a whole, but to give reason for wanting more than just blind faith.

So no, I don't think it's practical to base my faith on a supposed truth handed down through the ages in this fashion, nor can I claim to expose any truth that someone else hasn't. I think the most reasonable place to start is the present. Why do we want religion now, why do we have it now, how does it affect or improve our lives? When I as a software developer encounter an issue that leads me to confounding circumstances, it's time to back up and re-ask the question, what am I trying to accomplish, and make sure I haven't been led astray by inconsequential concerns. And that's one approach I take with religion when I lose track of why it matters. What am I or are we trying to get out of it, and is there a simpler way? I'm not necessarily talking about alternate religions or alternatives to religion, but perhaps simply a better way to draw meaning from the religion I already have.

The Importance of Religion

In search of something more firm and productive on which to base shared beliefs, have atheists "thrown baby Jesus out with the bathwater"? Clearly religion has had a huge and positive impact on many people's lives. An atheist might (and I have been tempted to) suggest that it's possible to live a life without the need for faith. I think that depends on your definition of possible. Yes, I think it's theoretically possible to live and for some to even thrive without faith. In fact, I might be one of those people. It's also possible to live and thrive without reading books, watching movies or TV, or using a computer. I am most definitely not one of those people. All of these are about participating in a shared foundation for understanding, and religion more specifically, an understanding of values leading to successful living. How often do you hear people quoting a line from a TV clip to get their point across to someone who knows the same clip?
Of course the difference with religion is that one is theoretically expected to accept it as truth and to allow it to be the motivation for everything they do. But that seems less common now. I'm not sure if and when a change occurred, but if there used to be biblical literalists in the past, I think they are much less common now, and I don't think most people even pretend to believe a literal truth of everything in the bible any more.
So is my acceptance of religion only important insofar as it helps me understand how others think, what motivates them, and how to relate to them? That is an important piece to draw out of a religion for a modern human. And I fear that some atheists and almost-atheists (myself included) might forget even that piece: if I give up on religion because I can't follow and participate in the same story that my friends are, I risk losing a significant level of involvement and understanding with those friends. Even if I can't wholly accept the story as truth, there is value in knowing the story to better to relate to people who follow that story because they find it helpful.
However, I don't think this ability to relate is even the most important part. Realize that even our scientific understanding has gone through multiple levels of understanding truth. Aristotelian physics was superseded by Newtonian physics, which was superseded by relativistic physics and quantum physics. Through this, we can see that certain stories and explanations of how the world works served people well for a time even though they weren't complete or completely true. Not trying to imply that science is as flawed as religion, but just to demonstrate having this flaw doesn't make it useless. Could we not, then, also expect that certain truths, particularly about how people relate to each other, have yet to be fully understood? Are there certain truths that a religion, backed by its imperfect mountains of history, can help us understand us before science, backed by its skyscrapers of proofs, can? After all most religions have been around longer than the scientific method and have had much more time to refine their findings. Buried somewhere in there may be the most important offerings that a religion can provide.
One, I think very significant, example of a religion beating science to the punch is in the area of mindfulness meditation. If my cursory understanding is correct, mindfulness meditation represents the scientific acceptance and development of practices rooted in Buddhism. And I suspect one reason this is an area where scientific development is so slow and difficult is that it necessarily deals so heavily with the mind and subjectivity, which is something the scientific method specifically tries to exclude.
If, in the face of all the hateful claims and misunderstood imperatives attributed to various religions, we decide that religion causes more trouble than good, I'm tempted to agree. But in religion, as in politics (or because of politics), only the loudest voices are being heard. For every claim that God hates homosexuals, how many others are thanking God for providing an open and affirming church that they can attend to realize they have a community to participate in? Is there something we can do to mitigate the damage done in the name of religion so that we can keep the good that it does? Namely, can we remember that, above all else, one's religious views are their own to be followed and shared, but not forced on others?

Sharing Religion

What purpose or meaning is there to sharing religion without the expectation that others will have complete faith in it? Often religion seems to function by motivating people through an unquestioning faith that certain imperatives must be adhered to. In my personal experience, however, I am encountering such religious attitudes more rarely as I grow older and time passes. I'm not sure whether this is because my experience is changing, and I'm moving to new environments or perceiving them differently being a different age, or because the general attitude is changing. In any case I am seeing more, and drawn more to the attitudes that appeal to a more optimistic sense of trust and working toward the common good than those of strict rules, and threat of punishment.
Of course most would be. Who wants the threat of eternal punishment looming throughout their life? I think the reason people keep their faith in such a religion is because religion (in the eyes of these followers) is not supposed to be an option, but the one truth about how the world works. Such a religion is difficult to approach with an attitude of "sharing" rather than "imposing". It seems to rely on being imposed in order to function because there is little tangible benefit in this lifetime, and followers are simply expected to trust that all will be balanced in the end. I suspect there are also many who believe that motivations without stern consequences are insufficient.

I once heard liberals compared to conservatives in a parenting analogy where liberals are supportive nurturing parents and conservatives are stern father figures. But it might be difficult to understand how a child can possibly be raised without the fear of physically painful consequences if that's the only thing in one's own experience that ever motivated them. It's similarly difficult to understand how pacifism and passive resistance can work. Such beliefs and practices don't seem to fit well out of context. Yet these sorts of beliefs do seem to work much better than "stern consequences" based beliefs in an environment where beliefs are shared rather than imposed. And it has been demonstrated that they can work, even defeating stern consequences in the past.
Would it be fair to discard or discredit a whole class of beliefs based on the distinction between those that must be imposed rather than those that can simply be shared? In general, no, it's not fair to expect someone to give up their religion because I don't like its prerequisites. But at a personal level, yes, if I can't see any way to make or view the world as a better place with some set of religions, why not set them aside and focus first on beliefs where I see some real benefits being delivered. Those religions that can function in an environment of being invited in and shared voluntarily seem to me to have more real benefits to offer than others.

Christianity's Place

I don't mean to promote Christianity at the expense of other religions, but it's the one I am most familiar with and so the only one I feel on which I can adequately comment. Interestingly, as I see it, many Christians use a bible with an Old and New Testament, and thus seem to straddle the line between a religion that must be imposed (the Old Testament) and one that may be shared (the New Testament).
It might at first seem problematic to dive in to a religion, half of which I just essentially decided to discard. However, it's important to remember that my purpose is not to choose or promote a religion, or to discredit religions and opt for something else, but rather to seek what value might be found in a religion, and how to find it. Here I believe Christianity has something profound to offer, and it is primarily found in the New Testament.
I'm no biblical scholar. I haven't even read the whole bible, and while I find it hypocritical the way some choose just the bits of the bible they want and try to impose that on others, I think that a partial understanding is not as much of a problem in a "sharing" environment. Maybe a good example of this is nutritional. If you tell a boy that he must finish his vegetables before having dessert, certainly the system doesn't work well if you share both with him and he can just choose dessert and ignore the vegetables. On the other hand, if you are handed a menu on which everything is healthy and it's up to you to choose which foods you like best from it, you can't really go wrong no matter what you pick. My proposal, then, is that a mature view of religion is to worry less about nit-picky details and find the pieces that you understand and can feel or demonstrate firsthand have value.
So where in Christianity can I find value? The example set by Jesus' life. He demonstrated that living a life in service of others is the counter-intuitive quantum leap one must make to find humanity's path forward. And when asked about the greatest commandment, His reply was firstly to love God and then to love your neighbor as yourself. This should be our cue to look around us for the potential for truth in these teachings. Notice the word example is important in my earlier statement. It means you don't necessarily have to take all of this on faith. What we can find in the New Testament is a suggestion of how to succeed. Rather than taking Thomas Edison's approach of finding 10,000 ways that will not work first, Jesus or his story is a gift to humanity. Try living this way and I'm telling you that you can forego a lot of the painful trial and error.
But how can one love God without proof that He even exists? This may be where Life of Pi offers another hint. the statement, "And so it goes with God," suggests that if you can't tell the difference between the truth and the evidence at hand, what does the truth matter? Pick the simplest way you have of understading and interacting with your own view of truth. In this case, I think that means simply asking yourself a very popular question, "What would Jesus do?" By prioritizing a love of God over a love of an individual you prioritize the good of humanity above that of one person (surely evoking the immortal words of Spock in many Star Trek fans).
The passionate story of Jesus' life and his love for the world is a beautiful one that can and should evoke emotion, and a desire to participate in this great whole that is humanity for whom he died. From a religious perspective Jesus is described as giving his life for humanity's sins, but the secular interpretation of his life is just as powerful. His message was so important that even in the face of the worst punishment possible, He found it more important to give us this message. He gave his life merely to deliver this gift! Either interpretation yields a similarly powerful truth. This is what Christianity can give us. See the power dormant in the act of giving up power. It is the power to influence people for millennia. And it's the power to accomplish as a community much much more than any individual could ever hope to accomplish.

Why Religion?

If it's possible to extract meaning from a religion and understand it in a more rational context, why keep a religion at all? Well, the fact is that understanding something rationally is not a motivating factor. I need only to look at how humanity has responded to the threats of climate disruption to see that the majority of us do not act on rational information but more on emotional and instinctive influences. It could just be inertia making change difficult, but the fact that the arguments around global warming were less about "it's too hard" and more about, "it's not happening," it seems that inertia was not the only factor.
When working with political campaigns I've heard that rational argument is not productive when talking to people. Campaign callers are instructed not to argue at an intellectual policy level because this does not change people's minds. People have already found all the rationalization they need to back up their beliefs, and you usually can't change minds by trying to argue on those points. Instead the discussions, to be effective, needs to be about a personal connection. How has an issue personally affected me or how might it be affecting you in real life? Once you can help someone see how they are actually (and usually emotionally) affected by an issue, then they can find new rationale to back up their position, but apparently it's often the emotional influence that drives the rational backing rather than the reverse.
So a rational understanding of an issue is relatively powerless to most people. Human consciousness is immensely complex and not explained (or explainable?) in rational terms. Consider the placebo effect. It clearly has very powerful effects, but is also clearly based entirely on belief, and can function only based on this belief. A rational understanding of a placebo causes it to totally lose its power.
This, I suspect, is why, for so many people, religion is such an important ingredient of life. I don't know yet if I am such a person, but I am compelled to question why religion is so significant. And I find one of the reasons is because of the emergent properties of the human mind and, more importantly, of human communities. Explaining the components of a system does not always give us useful information about how the overall system works. Religion lets us talk about and develop understanding of subjects in ways that rational scientific examination can't always do as readily.
So does this level of explanation (whether its correct or not) interfere with my ability to get value out of religion? It probably does, somewhat like understanding a placebo renders it powerless or standing too close to a pointillistic painting makes the image invisible. But for better or worse, I am compelled to do so because I can't accept that I base my life on anything but the best understanding of the truth that I can. I only hope that I can learn how to back up and appreciate the whole again when I need to. Knowing that I have personally reviewed my beliefs to their core may allow me to have faith that I don't need to do so again, and operate at a level where I can appreciate the whole that a religion has to offer.

Multiple Stories, Multiple Truths

So how did Life of Pi lead me down this path? It leads me to realize the significance of story in evoking passion and motivation. There are potentially many explanations for how we have arrived at the present. Rather than being so concerned about which one is the "truth", why not appreciate the story for what it has to offer? The truth may be drab and painful (and not even among the stories we know!), and it might not even be what motivates one to the proper response. The important thing is to pick the story that properly motivates me personally, and share it so that others in similar circumstances can more easily find their proper motivation. And until and unless all stories can agree on a certain truth, it is not one that should be imposed on others, only shared with others as a possible extension to their own story.
I will confess that I still have difficulty accepting anything less than the confirmed truth into the core of my beliefs. But I am starting to understand that there are aspects of life that can be appreciated without a reliance on the truth. I will probably always want the truth underlying my beliefs, but I now see a need to be able to communicate in others' "terminology" because I won't always have the opportunity to recall and share this whole foundation for my own terminology before proceeding with a discussion. And if I'm raising a child, I don't think a 4 year old is going to understand the way I think for quite a while. Better to find a religion that simplifies this for my child and see what new truths it has to offer everyone in our family.
My new year's resolution this year was to investigate Mindfulness Meditation and what it might offer me. I learned that it came from Buddhist practices, and is being explored more scientifically for real psychological benefits. I have followed some of the simple first-time experiences of Mindfulness Meditation I found on YouTube. But in the process of what I imagine is trying to descend toward my subconscious, I either had or imagined a conversation with my subconscious. "What are you trying to accomplish?" "You don't want to come down here and mess with this." "Everything is fine, leave me be." Perhaps examining my subconscious would be tantamount to disassembling my consciousness rendering it powerless. Maybe it's like taking antibiotics when you're not sick or standing too close to pointillism. So for the time being I am not exploring this further.
And yet others have found great value here. This is why another religion I'm interested in exploring at some point is Buddhism. I'm not abandoning Christianity and its powerful message, but I am interested in knowing what I might be missing from other stories that Christianity hasn't covered. I don't expect that religion will be a huge part of our family's life, but it will fill an important place in answering philosophical questions. I figured I should examine it and make sure I have some sort of foundation here before raising a child, which I expect will be a process that will need to refer to this often.

Applying the Lessons

Much of what I've covered here is too abstract to draw conclusions from directly. I think there are aspects of my beliefs that are much more concrete and useful. I'm not sure to what extent these beliefs are based on religious beliefs, but these are more specific personal beliefs and experiences that I find very helpful in my life.
  1. You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Think about how your attitude and words are supposed to lead to an outcome you want. Often times, the reflex reaction to a problem is not the most productive course of action.
  2. Consider the future of a misdirected person. To balance out the notion that you get what you want by always being pleasant, a healthy dose of altruistic punishment is also in order. Maximize everyone's happiness, not just your own by, for example, telling a person that they are skipping the line or stealing a parking place if it seems they don't realize what a jerk they are being by doing so. The reflex response of scolding someone sometimes does set you on the right path, but needs adjustment for applying to modern society (It should no longer be necessary to come to blows even if that is the reflex).
  3. Spread understanding and truth. Especially in the current social media climate, I think it's important to make sure firstly to check the facts of shocking messages before spreading them ( is the best option I know of for this now). But even more productive is providing and being open to contrary evidence when a claim is refuted.
  4. Practice happiness. I think many people don't realize the power they have over their own happiness. Acting happy leads to being happy. I always look for the silver lining of any bad situation. Very few situations are purely negative, and you can really get yourself in a downward spiral if you let yourself feel "unlucky".
  5. Live and let live. An aphorism I think I learned from my father reduces my own stress a great deal when I'm not in the mood for the aforementioned altruistic punishment. I think a lot of people don't realize how much this philosophy can reduce their own stress. The world is not going to fall apart without your constant attention.
  6. God is creator and sustainer of the universe. Whether I believe in God or not, I can always fall back on this "definition". If anyone talks about "God", I can simply assume that we are referring to whatever it is that drives this universe whether that be the laws of physics, an omnipotent being or (the closest thing to what I think I currently believe) the ineffable sum of all human consciousness: the anthropic principle and the observer effect of quantum mechanics suggest, in a way, that it is humanity's observation of the universe that sustains it.
I'm sure there are many more, but these are the sort of things so integrated into my being that it's hard to identify them any more. As with software, I'd prefer to just run me through a specific situation to observe the outcome instead of analyzing every rule that drives me. My hope is that by reviewing this in years to come I can be reminded of what I once believed and consider whether I should re-apply any of these principles if I have forgotten them, or if I have arrived at something even better. And if others benefit from any of this, all the better.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like the way you describe truth; by subjective and immeasurable criteria in many important ways. The question of whether everyone requires a religious affiliation
    to be fulfilled as a person is ongoing; even though the inspiration for ethical and moral behavior is often attributed to religious devotion, so are terrible and abominable acts attributable to religious fervor of another kind. You have left many open-ended paths of thought which seems to characterize your inquiry, contrary to what much religion does. One might ask if you think it would be possible or desirable to find social interactions sufficient for inspiring behavior that would result in fulfilling the potential for emergent community? I understood within your blog, a suggestion to start over from the beginning with discernment to develop religious commitment based on current awareness; then see what would emerge from a more enlightened approach to ritual and religious experience. Many rich layers of understanding, historical seeking and the resulting denominational adherence to creeds and the like would be lost to such an approach. As you imply, current religious questions could be clarified if temporal inspiration became the basis for faith rather than dogma imposed over centuries; however, even though religion emerging from 'personal experience of ontological truth' is common to a handful of early civilizations, its validity is challenged early and often by the rest of the world.

    1. I see my prior reply covers more than I realized, but will summarize the existential question by noting your adherence to parts of the religious histories that center on a personal knowledge or experience of some portion of their traditions. In considering broader 'seeking', it has become important for me to include all of the spiritual leaders' lives in my consideration of the art of practicing to live a
      spiritual life that matters. That means Jesus, Buddha, the Dalai Lama, St. Frances, Pope Frances, and all creatures that display a "spiritual gentleness" even toward other species, can become worthy of my discipleship.

      It is also good for me to recall that to "live and let live" must include something like the hypocratic oath, to "do no harm", also to not tolerate intolerance, and to let the golden rule, (which exists in some form in all major religions) be the main rule by which to be guided.
